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Clark Reliance英文介绍-石家庄仓粒能源
文章作者:admin 上传更新:2021-12-24
Clark Reliance ® was established in 1884, formerly known as Reliance Gauge Column company, with a long history and innovative spirit.
It all started with the company's first breakthrough product-a low water level alarm for boiler operators. Using a float connected to a steam whistle, this revolutionary device will sound an alarm when the water condition becomes unsafe. Although it is the first, it is just one of many pioneering products developed by Clark Reliance's forward-thinking engineers over the years.
Reliance Gauge has been at the forefront of technological advancement and was the first company to provide remote water level gauges. During World War II, when Reliance Gauge was asked to provide all of its long-range water level timings to the US Navy, the company obtained the final verification of the product's excellence. Subsequently, in recognition of Reliance Gauge's outstanding efforts in this regard, the US Navy awarded the company the prestigious Navy "E" award.
As Reliance Gauge moves into the future, many other important milestones and achievements have also become part of its impressive history. In 1962, Cleveland industrialist Harry E. Figgie Jr. acquired Clark Manufacturing. Founded in 1908, the company is a leading supplier of well-known traps, filters, regulators and steam separators. Although they offer completely different products, Reliance Gauge and Clark Manufacturing have similar reputations for excellence and incredible growth potential. Finally, on February 19, 1963, Clark Manufacturing and Reliance Gauge Column merged into one company: The Clark-Reliance Company. Although the company has undergone significant changes since its establishment more than 100 years ago, Clark Reliance is still a leader in innovation today. © Clark Reliance Today, Clark-Reliance is committed to providing the largest and most extensive product line in the instrumentation industry for all types of measurement and control. Major acquisitions in the past few decades have also consolidated Clark-Reliance's position as a leader in the separation and filtration industry. Clark-Reliance now includes many outstanding product lines: Jerguson®, Jacoby-Tarbox®, Magne-Sonics®, Anderson® separators and National Filtration Systems®. In 2004, years of growth and a large number of acquisitions led to a company-wide reorganization. Today, each product line of the company belongs to one of three new operating groups: Clark-Reliance Instrumentation and Control Group, Clark Reliance@Filter Equipment Group and Clark-Reliance Filter Element Group. The new organization allows the establishment of a more unified, integrated, service-driven company. Clark Reliance has achieved incredible success in the past few years, so it is necessary to expand the footprint of the company's manufacturing headquarters. The A2006 plant expansion recently added 21,000 square feet to the Strongsville plant in Ohio. Clark-Reliance's wide range of products and solutions are constantly updated to integrate the latest technologies. The company's main goal is to provide world-class customer service, high-quality products and innovation for the petrochemical, oil refining and power generation industries. As the company continues to diversify its product line and seek new acquisitions, Clark-Reliance is hopeful in the coming years.